Inscripions Activitats 2024/2025

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Activitats Extraescolars

Escola Jacint Verdaguer

Casals i Campus

Per qualsevol qüestió no ho dubtis

Contacte amb nosaltres


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Aquí trobaras totes les activitats organitzades per escoles, entitat o tipus d’activitat que tenim obertes les inscripcions

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Add context to your column. Help visitors understand the value they can get from your products and services.

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Add context to your column. Help visitors understand the value they can get from your products and services.

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Add context to your column. Help visitors understand the value they can get from your products and services.

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Add context to your column. Help visitors understand the value they can get from your products and services.

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Add context to your column. Help visitors understand the value they can get from your products and services.